Jicable : held since 1982
11 International Conferences …
3 HVDC Symposia
19 Workshops... and more!
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Tribute to Lucien DeschampsLucien Deschamps was the founder of Jicable in 1984, initially created to accompany the development of high-voltage cables insulated with cross-linked polyethylene. As a research engineer and later a Scientific Advisor at EDF, his work focused on materials for Electrotechnics (insulating materials, superconductors, etc.), power transmission cables as well as new energy technologies and technology foresight. Lucien Deschamps organized more than 100 international events on these subjects. Lucien Deschamps has passed away, but he left Jicable with a solid foundation that ensures the continuation of his work. |
Next Jicable events ....
After the great success of the Jicable’23 conference held in Lyon, France, in June 2023, which saw record-breaking attendance, Jicable will organize the fourth Symposium on HVDC Cable Systems from October 20 to 22, 2025, at the historic Lingotto site in Turin, Italy. We invite you to visit the Symposium’s website at https://hvdc25.jicable.org. Jicable is organizing a Young Researchers' Competition. We invite you to submit a summary of your work if you are eligible. You can find more details on the symposium website. The symposium will cover the following topics:
- HVDC Cable Development: Design, modeling and simulation studies, production and environmental constraints for HVDC cables and accessories, and qualification tests of new production lines
- Fundamental material performance aspects
- New developments within the HVDC cable system
- Test method developments for DC cable systems
- New mechanical frontiers for HVDC cabling
- Monitoring & service aspects
- Sustainability and environmental aspects
Jicable'27 - International Conference on Insulated Power Cables
Jicable'27, the 12th edition is forecasted.
Past Jicable events ....
Jicable'23 - International Conference on Insulated Power Cables
Jicable'23 the last Jicable Conference is the 11th edition. It has been held on June 18-22,2023 in Lyon at the Palais de Congrès.
Details about Jicable'23 can found on jicable
jicable23.jicable.org. The full proceedings are available to registered delegates. The first page of each document can be found from this site.
Jicable-HVDC'21 - International symposium on HVDC cable systems
Jicable-HVDC'21 the last Jicable symposium was held from November 8th to November 10th 2021
in Liège (Belgium).
Jicable-HVDC'21 has been the natural follow-up of Jicable-HVDC17 and Jicable-HVDC'13 dedicated to high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission systems for which insulated power cables are a key component. Details of the symposia held in Perpignan in 2013 and Dunkirk in 2017 are reported
on their respective web sites.
Details about Jicable-HVDC'21 can found on it's web site
Jicable'19 - International Conference on LV, MV, HV & EHV cables and cable systems
Jicable'19 was held on 23-27 June, 2019 in Versailles - France attended by more than 700 delegates.
310 communications have been exposed during this three days conference (oral sessions, poster sessions and a Young Researchers Contest).
Jicable'19 is on line see Jicable'19, as well as its workshop TGEG'19 (AGP21 Workshop).
Jicable archives
The list of all Jicable proceedings from JICABLE'84 to the last conference Jicable'23 is now available. You will have free access to the first page (pdf version) of any of those 2100 technical papers, which is most usefull as this page comes with an abstract.
But don"t worry, a full version is available free of charge upon a nominative request.
A search engine is supplied to assist you in your bibliographic researches into that huge amount of data dealing with insulated cables and their applications.