June 23rd - 27th 2019
697 delegates from 44 countries attended the conference
Chairman of the Steering Committee:
Laurent Tardif, SYCABEL, Prysmian, France
Chairman of the Organization Committee:
Lucien Deschamps; AGP'21, France
Chairman of the Scientific and technical Committee:
Ja-Yoon KOO, Hanyang University, South Korea
Programme :
310 communications from 32 countries were presented
52 sessions : 48 Oral ( 250 papers) and 4 Poster ( 60 papers)
Opening lecture:
Author : Marcio Szechtman; Director General of CEPEL Brazil
Title : HVDC Technology key issues for future grids
Closing Round Table:
Chairman : Orton Harry E., OCEI, Canada
Theme : Recent experience on cable systems submitted to major disturbances
Jicable's Prize - Elected communication:
Author(s) : Zouraraki Maria, Kvarts Thomas, Østerø Rogvi, Page Trevor, Hjerrild Jesper; Vilhelmsen
Paper'reference: 2019-A2-6
Other activities :
2 technical visits
5 tutorials : 105 delegates attended these tutorials