1991-B3 - Test Methods
Effect of DC testing on aged XLPE insulated cables with splices
SRINIVAS N. Nagu - Detroit Edison Company Detroit, USA
BERNSTEIN B.S - Electric Power Research Institute Washington DC, USA
Investigation of alternative after laying tests for MV cables
KALKNER Wilfried, BACH R., PLATH R., ZHIYONG WEI - Technical University of Berlin Germany
A 50 Hz after laying test for high voltage extruded insulation cables
VERVEEN Arie N. - EWR Leiden, The Netherlands
PAAP G.C - University of Technology Delft, TheNetherlands.
Diagnostic medium voltage cable test at 0.1 Hz
STEENNIS Evert Frederik,HETZELE. - KEMA Arnhem, The Netherlands
VERHOEVEN C.W.J. - PNEM Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands