1995-A8 - Ageing mechanisms
Oxidation and its effect on charge trapping in low density polyethylene
CARTWRIGHT GA, DAVIES A.E. - University of Southampton Southampton, UK
SWINGLER S.G. - National Grid Co. United Kingdom
Influence of aging over the morphology of XLPE
ROBERTSON Ch. - Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal Canada
FOURNIER D., LAMARRE L. - IREQ Varennes Québec, Canada
BEZILLE J., BECKER J., JANAH H. - Alcatel Câble Calais, France
CHAN J., HARTLEY M. - Alcatel Canada Wire Toronto, Canada
Study on deterioration mechanism of XLPE cables
KAMINAGA K., YOSHIFUJI N., - The Tokyo Electric Power Co. Yokohama, Japan
UOZUMI T., YORITA J., FUKUNAGA S. - Sumitomo Electric Ind. Osaka, Japan
Influence of temperature on accelerated aging of XLPE and EPR insulated cables under wet conditions
BERNSTEIN B.S., SAMM R.W. - Electric Power Research Institute Palo Alto, CA, USA