1995-B4 - Materials for cables
Material development for the new cold shrink technology
CHÃENNE-ASTORINO A., CHATTERJEE Shotu., DE SCHRIJVER I. - Euromold Erembodegem, Belgium
MIREBEAU Pierre, ALADENIZE B. - Alcatel Alsthom Recherche Marcoussis, France
Materials for cables based on polymeric conductors
ALADENIZE B., ASSIERJC., GALAJ S. - Alcatel Alsthom Recherche Marcoussis, France
MIREBEAU Pierre, JANAH H. - Alcatel Câble Calais, France
Parameters influencing the strippability of conductive compounds for insulation shields
FAGRELL O. - Borealis Stenungsund, Sweden
Peel test for semiconductive shields
CHINH.H., WHITEHOUSE R.S. - Cabot Corp. Billerica, USA
New Polyolefin polymers for low and medium voltage power cables
HEMPHILL J. - Dow Chemical Co. Freeport, USA
FANICHET L, LANDUCCI D. - Dow Europe Horgen, Switzerland