2007-A8 - Cables and Environment
Making remaining life predictions for power cables using reliability analyses
JEYAPALAN Jey K. - Dr Jeyapalan & Associates New Milford, CT, USA
Oil replacement by water in obsolete oil-filled power cables
DARDEL Boris, MATTMANN John-Peter, JAQUENOD Laurent, VAN RYSSELBERGHE Laurent, GEHRET Sébastien, KRÃHENBÃHL Francis - Nexans Switerland Cortaillod, Switzerland
Environmental impacts in rural area of a HV underground link
GOURIT Laurent, SERRES Etienne, CHEVALIER Peggy - RTE, National Centre for Grid Expertise Paris, France
MAIOLI Paolo, ZACCONE Ernesto - Prysmian Cables & Systems Milan, Italy
Use of an ecoconception software to design a HV cable connection
MIREBEAU Pierre, DUVIVIER Martine - Nexans France Calais, France
BENARD Laurent, LEBOURDON François - PRYSMIAN Paron, France
POILLEAUX Francis, POISSON Bernard - SILEC CABLE Montereau, France
Ecoconception, recycling and life cycle analysis in cable industry
BARBEAU Sophie, GOUDEAU Jacques - Nexans Research Center Lyon, France
DUPONT Isabelle - RIPS Calais, France
DAMILO Serge - Nexans Mehun France