2019-D2 - Onsite and Laboratory Tests
Cable System Commissioning Update
BYRNE Darren, LANZ Ben - IMCORP Manchester, CT, USA
THOMAS Steve - Origis Energy San Diego, USA
HUMMEL Rene - IMCORP Berlin, Germany
SHANNON Charles - IMCORP San Diego, USA
Air Insulated Factory Routine Test System for High Voltage Cable Accessories Upto 550 kV
TUNA Enis, ÃZTÃRK Samet - Demirer Kablo Istanbul, Turkey
Sensitive and selective partial discharge measurement method for DC and AC cable joints
ESTERL Florian, PLATH Ronald - Technische Universität Berlin Germany
JEGUST Detlef, VATERRODT Klaus - IPH GmbH Berlin, Germany
138 kV Transition Joint between High-Pressure Fluid Filled and XLPE Cables
MAKOVOZ Arie - Consolidated Edison of New York USA