2019-E1 - Sheath bonding and parallel circuit
Capacitive and Inductive Coupling in Cable Systems â Comparative Study between Calculation Methods
CHRYSOCHOS Andreas, ALEXANDROU Konstantinos, CHATZIPETROS Dimitrios, KOSSYVAKIS Dimitrios, PAVLOU Konstantinos, TASTAVRIDIS Konstantinos, GEORGALLIS Georgios - Cablel Hellenic Cables S.A., Viohalco Group Athens, Greece
ANDERS George J. - Technical University of Lodz Poland
ALEXANDROU Konstantinos, TASTAVRIDIS Konstantinos, GEORGALLIS Georgios - Cablel Hellenic Cables S.A., Viohalco Group Athens, Greece
ANDERS George J. - Department of Microelectronics and Computer Science of the Technical University of Lodz Poland
LESUR Frédéric - Nexans Calais, France
KLINK Jacob - TU Clausthal University of Technology Clausthal, Germany
KOSSYVAKIS Dimitrios - Cablel Hellenic Cables S.A., Viohalco Group Athens, Greece
NOUFAL Sameh - CDGA Engineering Consultants Cork, Ireland
ANDERS George J. - Technical University of Lodz Poland
A practical method to compute the metallic sheath circulating current for non standard cases
EL CHMOURI Mohamad - RIYADH CABLES GROUP Riyadh, Saudi Arabia