Next Jicable Conference: Jicable'27 - 12th International Conference on Power Insulated Cables

2007-B1 - LV and MV Systems


pdf  Investigation of the aging characteristics of CST termination made of silicone rubber at contamination area

NAKAMURA Tatsuya, KOZASA Yoshihide, SATO Akiyoshi, KONDOH Taikichi  -  Chubu Electric Power Co. Nagoya, Japan


pdf  Evaluation of a replacement strategy of a medium voltage cable joint based on statistical failure analysis

JONGEN Rogier A., MORSHUIS Peter H.F., SMIT Johan J.  -  Delft University of Technology Delft, The Netherlands

JANSSEN Anton L.J.  -  CONTINUON Assetmanagement Arnhem, The Netherlands

GULSKI Edward  -  Ksandr Delft, The Netherlands


pdf  Emergency conditions applied to triplex medium-voltage XLPE cables having flat strap neutrals

PELISSOU Serge  -  IREQ Varennes Québec, Canada

CÔTE Jacques, ST-ANTOINE Serge, DALLAIRE Julien  -  Réseau de Distribution, Hydro-Québec Montreal, Canada


pdf  A new specification to check cable sheath resistance to termites

BRUMENT Yves, LESUR Frédéric  -  EDF R&D Moret-sur-Loing, France

PAULMIER Ivan  -  Centre Technique du Bois et de l'Ameublement France

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