WETS'03 Workshop (World Energy Transmission System)
Which world energy transmission system in 2050?
What role would Power Insulated Cables play?
MEUDON, FRANCE Thursday 26 June, 2003
Principal Research Engineer
Institut Français du Pétrole
1 et 4 avenue de Bois Préau 92852 Rueil Malmaison
tél : 33 1 47 52 63 21, fax : 33 1 47 52 70 02
E-mail : pierre.odru@ifp.fr
Ingénieur ECL 1974
Research Engineer at Institut Français du Pétrole since 1975.
Principal works :
In 2003 :
Gas transportation projects manager ; sustainable development actions
Executive Delegate of CLAROM (Club for Offshore Structure Research
Until 2003, management of research projects on the objectives of deep
offshore oil production, in collaboration with French and international oil
and supply industry.
Management of flexible and reeled pipes mechanics (1993 -
Development and commercialisation of a software aimed at calculations of
marine mooring and riser systems behaviour (1994 - 1999)
Development of high performance composite materials riser concepts to be
used on deep offshore oil production platforms; management of technical
programs of international JIPs (1982 - 2000)
Development and qualification of equipments for deep offshore drilling (1978
- 1984)
From 1984 to 2000, management of mechanical testing facilities of IFP
Applied Mechanics Division.