WETS'03 Workshop
(World Energy Transmission System)
Which world energy transmission system in 2050?
What role would Power Insulated Cables play?

Thursday 26 June, 2003

  • 1) World geographic distribution of resources and energy needs by the year 2030 and 2050.
Results of long-term studies available.

  • 2) Do studies on a world energy transmission system exist?
Why a world energy transmission system?
Evolution steps of a world energy transmission system between 2000 and 2050,
Presentation of scenarios,
Case studies: regional sub-systems, main links building up continental or intercontinental energy 'skeleton'

  • 3) Links characteristics of a world transmission system
Different vectors of power transmission: comparison's criteria,
Transmission power capacities, transmission distances,
Targets: economical, disponibility, environmental constraints,
Integrated links: energy + communication + transportation of passengers or material

  • 4) Advanced technologies, which could be envisaged for electrical links:
Extrapolation of classical A.C. and D.C terrestrial and submarine technologies,
Superconducting technologies,
Gas-insulated cables,
Other new technologies,
Microwaves: waves guides, WPT, Lasers.

  • 5) Other vectors of power transmission,
Natural gas,

  • 6) Technical and economical comparison between isolated cables and other techniques and possible vectors of power transmission,
Case studies.

Modified Last : 12/03/2022