WETS'03 Workshop
(World Energy Transmission System)
Which world energy transmission system in 2050?
What role would Power Insulated Cables play?

Thursday 26 June, 2003


Jean-Luc Parpal is a research scientist of the Electrical Equipment Department at the Hydro-Québec Institute of Research (IREQ). He received a BSc (1973) and MSc (1974) degree in Physics from University of Montréal and a PhD (1982) degree in Engineering Physics from école Polytechnique of Montréal. He joined IREQ in 1982 and his main fields of interest are aging mechanisms of polymeric cable insulation and the development of techniques to assess the condition of insulation systems. He was the project leader of the prequalification testing program of 345-kV and 500-kV XLPE cables and accessories. He is the Canadian member of CIGRé SC-B1 subcommittee on high voltage cables.

Modified Last : 12/03/2022