WETS'03 Workshop
(World Energy Transmission System)
Which world energy transmission system in 2050?
What role would Power Insulated Cables play?

Thursday 26 June, 2003

Mr. Susumu Sakuma was born on February 8, 1954 in Japan. He received B. S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Tokyo University, Japan, in 1977. He joined Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. in 1977 and is general manager of Cable System Engineering Department of VISCAS Corporation, which was established as a joint company for power cable system by Furukawa and Fujikura Ltd., in 2001.
He has been engaged in research, development and design of EHV cable system and its forced cooling system. He especially contributed the development and their practical use of the world's first long distance underground transmission line using XLPE insulated cables.
He is a member of IEEJ, IEEE and CIGRE, and now is a Japanese national member of CIGRE Study Committee B1.

Modified Last : 12/03/2022