2015-A2 - HV: installation methods
BIOLLEY Claude, MOUCHANGOU Christian - Nexans Suisse SA Cortaillod, Switzerland
Installation and commissioning of Patuxent river crossing (HDD, 1.4km) project in US
JOO Jaeyun, JEON Seung-ik, KIM Byungsoo - LS Cable & System Gumi, Republic of Korea
138 kV insulated cable system for temporary connection of transmission lines and substations
SILVESTRE Gustavo, CAPARROZ Sergio - AES Eletropaulo São Paulo - SP, Brazil
LOPES Julio Cesar, ARAUJO Simone, PINHEIRO Walter - TAG Inovação Tecnológica São Paulo - SP, Brazil
Non-offset design of cables in manhole considering the mechanical behavior of XLPE cables in duct
KANG Yeon-woog, KANG Ji-won, JANG Tae-in, JUNG Chae-kyun, YOON Jong-keun - KEPCO Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Study on thermal backfill materials for directly buried HV cables
BURCEANU Monica - Laborelec Linkebeek, Belgium
VAN DER BORGHT Pieter - Elia Brussels, Belgium