2015-A8 - Testing of HVDC systems
Space charge evolution in XLPE HVDC cable with thermal-step-method and pulse-electro-acoustic
TZIMAS Antonios, LUCAS Guillaume, DYKE Kevin, PERROT Fabrice - Alstom Grid Stafford, UK
BOYER Ludovic, MIREBEAU Pierre - Nexans Calais, France
DODD Stephen - University of Leicester Leicester, UK
CASTELLON Jérôme, NOTINGHER Petru - Université Montpellier Montpellier, France
Development of an industrial space charge measurement facility for extruded HVDC full scale cables
BOYER Ludovic, MIREBEAU Pierre - Nexans France Calais, France
PLOPEANU Mihai - Ofrim Group Bucharest, Romania
CASTELLON Jérôme, NOTINGHER Petru, AGNEL Serge - Institut d´Électronique du Sud - Université Montpellier 2 Montpellier, France
JOSSIEN Dominique, DEPUIDT Yves - Enitram Dunkerque, France
Partial discharge testing of XLPE cables for HVDC: Challenges and opportunities
CAVALLINI Andrea, MONTANARI Gian-Carlo - DEI - University of Bologna Bologna, Italy
BOYER Ludovic, LUTON Marie-Hélène, MIREBEAU Pierre - Nexans France Calais, France
Laboratory and field partial discharge measurement in HVDC power cables
SELTZER-GRANT Malcolm - HVPD Ltd. Manchester, UK