2019 - JICABLE'19 - 10th International Conference on Power Insulated Cables

2015-B9 - Material performances


pdf  High quality carbon black to surpass traditional solution for HV semicons?

BONACCHI Daniele, VAN BELLINGEN Christine  -  IMERYS Graphite and Carbon Bodio, Switzerland

LABBÉ Denis  -  P&M Cable Consulting LLC Geneva, Switzerland


pdf  Non-contact surface metrology of degraded conductor screens in XLPE cables

HOELTO Jorunn, BAKKEN Kristine, HVIDSTEN Sverre  -  SINTEF Energy REsearch Trondheim, Norway


pdf  Remnant static mechanical stresses and water tree ageing of XLPE power cables

ILDSTAD Erling, GROV-PLASSEN Kurt Albert  -  Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway

FAREMO Hallvard  -  SINTEF Energy Research Trondheim, Norway


pdf  Evaluation of degradation of PVC by dielectric spectroscopy, and SEM and FTIR analyzes

HANDALA Mohand Amokrane, ZEBOUDJ Farida  -  University Mouloud Mammeri Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria

BELHITECHE El Hadi  -  Université Med Boudiaf M'sila, Algeria


pdf  The influence of operating conditions of cable lines in grids on selected properties of extruded cable insulation

ZAWODNIAK Jozef Jacek  -  ENEA Operator S.A. Poznan, Poland

RAKOWSKA Aleksandra  -  Poznan University of Technology Poznan, Poland

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