2015-C10 - Industrial and special cables
Development of an alternative solution to mica tape for fire resistant cables
WALD Detlef - Eifelkabel Villmergen, Switzerland
ORTON Harry - Orton Consulting Engineers International North Vancouver, Canada
DI Jimmy - Volsun Electronics Suzhou, China
Cables for oil, gas and petrochemical industry
THOMBRE Arun, MOURAD Bahaa - DUCAB Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Acceptance criteria in nuclear power plant cable qualification
PLA?EK VÃt, KÃBRT Jan, HNÃT VladimÃr, ŽÃK Pavel - UJV Rez, a. s. Hlavnà 130, Rez, 250 68 Husinec, Czech Republic
Electrical performance improvement of cross-linked polyethylene cables using inorganic filler
ASAAD Jeanette - Polymers and Pigments Dept., National Research Center Cairo, Egypt
MOSTAFA Mahmoud - Electrical Power and Machines Eng. Dept., Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt
ESSAWI Sherif - Electrical Power Dept., Petrojet Cairo, Egypt
SAAD Loai - Electrical Power and Machines Eng. Dept., Aswan University Aswan, Egypt
SHUVALOV Mikhail, KAMENSKIY Mikhail, KRYUCHKOV Aleksandr, STEPANOVA Tatiana, FRIK Andrey, SAVIN Dmitry - VNIIKP Moscow, Russia