Next Jicable Conference: Jicable'27 - 12th International Conference on Power Insulated Cables

2019-F2 - Young Researcher's Contest


pdf  Thermal rating of submarine cables installed in J-tubes using Lumped Element Method

ARANCIO Jeremy, OULD EL MOCTAR Ahmed  -  LTEN (Heat Transfer and Energy Laboratory at Nantes) Nantes, France

NGUYEN TUAN Minh  -  EDF Paris, France

TAYAT Faradj, ROQUES Jean-Philippe  -  TOTAL Paris, France


pdf  Modeling thermal distribution of submarine three-core XLPE cable with respect to the buried depth and thermal conductivity of the soil

WANG Weiwang, WANG Zhaohui, BU Wen, LI Shengtao  -  Xi'an Jiaotong University China

HU Yiru, ZHANG Lina  -  China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Research Institute Ltd. China


pdf  Electrical properties of nanostructured polypropylene: a matter of morphology?

SERI Paolo  -  Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering (DEI), University of Bologna Italy


pdf  Assessment of financial benefits in overplanted windfarm export cable

HERNANDEZ COLIN Maria Angelica, PILGRIM James A.  -  University of Southampton United Kingdom


pdf  DC Conductivity measurements of polymeric HVDC insulation materials under consideration of a dynamic temperature profile

HÄRING Dominik  -  Südkabel GmbH Mannheim, Germany

JENAU Frank  -  University Dortmund Germany


pdf  Analysis of longitudinal interfaces by using frequency domain spectroscopy

LOH Jun Ting, DREßLER Mario, KITTAN Stefan, KORNHUBER Stefan  -  University of Applied Sciences Zittau, Germany

ARNDT Stephan  -  BBC Cellpack Electrical Products - Behr Bircher Cellpack Radeberg GmbH Radeberg, Germany


pdf  Post-irradiation effect investigation on low-voltage XLPE cables through dielectric spectroscopy

SURACI Simone Vincenzo, FABIANI Davide  -  Department of Electrical Engineering (DEI) University of Bologna Italy


pdf  Identification and experimental determination of important thermal and hydraulic properties of bedding materials for energy cables

SCHEDEL Markus, DREFKE Christoph, SASS Ingo  -  Technische Universität Darmstadt, Geothermal Science and Technology Germany

JACOBS Natalie Simone, BRÜGGMANN Jan  -  Amprion GmbH Dortmund, Germany


pdf  Role of holes in conduction phenomenon of Low Density Polyethylene under high fields and temperatures

UPADHYAY Avnish Kumar, REDDY Chandupatala Chakradhar  -  Indian Institute of Technology Ropar Ropar, India


pdf  Partial discharge detection using distributed acoustic sensing

KIRKCALDY Laurie, PILGRIM James  -  University of Southampton United Kingdom

ROGERS Rosalie, LEES Gareth  -  AP Sensing United Kingdom


pdf  MV Insulated cables and screen arrangements: single-point bonding vs solid-bonding

DAMBONE SESSA Sebastian, BENATO Roberto  -  University of Padova Italy

MARCHESE Oscar, TANZI Luca, ZAPPELLONI Roberto  -  E-distribuzione Rome, Italy


pdf  HV Cable Diagnostic by Time Domain Reflectometry or Frequency Domain Analysis? A Comparison of Sensitivity to Fault Impedance and Cable Length

NOROUZI Younes, FROHNE Christian  -  Nexans Deutschland GmbH and Leibniz university Hannover Germany

WERLE Peter  -  Leibniz university Hannover, Institute of Electric Power Systems Germany


pdf  Application of Recurrent Neural Network with Long Short-Term Memory Cells for Partial Discharge Identification

YEO Joel, YUEN Chau  -  SUTD Singapore University of Technology & Design Singapore, Singapore

JIN Hui Fei, NG Chee Seng  -  T Yeo Engineers Singapore, Singapore


pdf  Electrical stresses of cable sheaths under normal and fault condition

KÜCHLER Benjamin, SCHMIDT Uwe, HAIM Klaus-Dieter  -  University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz Germany


pdf  Modelling of electrical history effect on polymer conductivity

GUFFOND Raphaël  -  Nexans Lyon, France

COMBESSIS Anthony  -  Nexans Lens, France

HOLÉ Stéphane  -  Laboratoire de Physique et d´Étude des Matériaux, (LPEM, UMR8213) CNRS, PSL Research University ESPCI-ParisTech, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 6 Paris, France


pdf  Aging Index of C&I Cable in Nuclear Power Plants via Time-Frequency Domain Reflectometry

LIM Hobin, LEE Geon Seok, BANG Su Sik, KWON Gu-Young, LEE Yeong Ho, JI Gyeong Hwan, SHIN Yong-June  -  Yonsei University Seoul, Korea, Republic of


pdf  Investigation on Transition Joint Materials and Electric Field in Different Layers of Joint Insulation

JOHRI Pranav, REDDY Chandupatala Chakradhar  -  Indian Institute of Technology Ropar Ropar, India


pdf  Global basis functions method for the efficient computation of power losses in submarine three-core cable armor

GIUSSANI Luca, DI RIENZO Luca  -  Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria Milan, Italy

BECHIS Massimo  -  Prysmian spa Milan, Italy

DE FALCO Carlo  -  Politecnico di Milano, MOX - Modeling and Scientific Computing, Dipartimento di Matematica Milan, Italy


pdf  FEM analysis on influence of semiconductors in 3-core submarine power cables regarding cable losses

STURM Sebastian, PAULUS Johannes  -  University of Applied Sciences Schweinfurt, Germany

BERGER Frank  -  Ilmenau University of Technology Germany


pdf  Numerical and Empirical Determination of the Influence of Hydrodynamic Loads on the Fatigue Life of Submarine Cables

SCHÜTT Clemens, OTTO Christoph, MENZEL Peter, PASCHEN Mathias  -  University of Rostock, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology, Chair of Ocean Engineering Germany

ZERBST Stephan, SCHUMANN Kai  -  TenneT Offshore GmbH Lehrte, Germany


pdf  Local surface field- and charge distributions and their impact on breakdown voltage for HVDC cable insulation

DOEDENS Espen, JARVID Markus  -  Nexans Halden, Norway

SERDYUK Yuriy  -  Chalmers Univ. of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden

GUFFOND Raphaël, CHARRIER Dimitri  -  Nexans Research Centre Lyon, France


pdf  Influences of changed Grid Utilization by Renewable Energies on the Ageing Behaviour of Medium Voltage Cables

MÜLLER Ann-Catrin, BLENK Tobias, WEINDL Christian  -  Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts Germany

SCHRAMM Judith  -  Rheinische NETZGesellschaft, (Germany) Germany


pdf  Investigation on the tensile strength of silicone layers with different amount of graphite filler

AGANBEGOVIC Mirnes, WERLE Peter  -  Institute of Electric Power Systems, Division of High Voltage Engineering and Asset Management, Schering-Institute, Leibniz Universität Hannover Germany

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