2019-F2 - Young Researcher's Contest
Thermal rating of submarine cables installed in J-tubes using Lumped Element Method
ARANCIO Jeremy, OULD EL MOCTAR Ahmed - LTEN (Heat Transfer and Energy Laboratory at Nantes) Nantes, France
NGUYEN TUAN Minh - EDF Paris, France
TAYAT Faradj, ROQUES Jean-Philippe - TOTAL Paris, France
WANG Weiwang, WANG Zhaohui, BU Wen, LI Shengtao - Xi'an Jiaotong University China
HU Yiru, ZHANG Lina - China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Research Institute Ltd. China
Electrical properties of nanostructured polypropylene: a matter of morphology?
SERI Paolo - Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering (DEI), University of Bologna Italy
Assessment of financial benefits in overplanted windfarm export cable
HERNANDEZ COLIN Maria Angelica, PILGRIM James A. - University of Southampton United Kingdom
HÄRING Dominik - Südkabel GmbH Mannheim, Germany
JENAU Frank - University Dortmund Germany
Analysis of longitudinal interfaces by using frequency domain spectroscopy
LOH Jun Ting, DREßLER Mario, KITTAN Stefan, KORNHUBER Stefan - University of Applied Sciences Zittau, Germany
ARNDT Stephan - BBC Cellpack Electrical Products - Behr Bircher Cellpack Radeberg GmbH Radeberg, Germany
Post-irradiation effect investigation on low-voltage XLPE cables through dielectric spectroscopy
SURACI Simone Vincenzo, FABIANI Davide - Department of Electrical Engineering (DEI) University of Bologna Italy
SCHEDEL Markus, DREFKE Christoph, SASS Ingo - Technische Universität Darmstadt, Geothermal Science and Technology Germany
JACOBS Natalie Simone, BRÜGGMANN Jan - Amprion GmbH Dortmund, Germany
UPADHYAY Avnish Kumar, REDDY Chandupatala Chakradhar - Indian Institute of Technology Ropar Ropar, India
Partial discharge detection using distributed acoustic sensing
KIRKCALDY Laurie, PILGRIM James - University of Southampton United Kingdom
ROGERS Rosalie, LEES Gareth - AP Sensing United Kingdom
MV Insulated cables and screen arrangements: single-point bonding vs solid-bonding
DAMBONE SESSA Sebastian, BENATO Roberto - University of Padova Italy
MARCHESE Oscar, TANZI Luca, ZAPPELLONI Roberto - E-distribuzione Rome, Italy
NOROUZI Younes, FROHNE Christian - Nexans Deutschland GmbH and Leibniz university Hannover Germany
WERLE Peter - Leibniz university Hannover, Institute of Electric Power Systems Germany
YEO Joel, YUEN Chau - SUTD Singapore University of Technology & Design Singapore, Singapore
JIN Hui Fei, NG Chee Seng - T Yeo Engineers Singapore, Singapore
Electrical stresses of cable sheaths under normal and fault condition
KÜCHLER Benjamin, SCHMIDT Uwe, HAIM Klaus-Dieter - University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz Germany
Modelling of electrical history effect on polymer conductivity
GUFFOND Raphaël - Nexans Lyon, France
COMBESSIS Anthony - Nexans Lens, France
HOLÉ Stéphane - Laboratoire de Physique et d´Étude des Matériaux, (LPEM, UMR8213) CNRS, PSL Research University ESPCI-ParisTech, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 6 Paris, France
Aging Index of C&I Cable in Nuclear Power Plants via Time-Frequency Domain Reflectometry
LIM Hobin, LEE Geon Seok, BANG Su Sik, KWON Gu-Young, LEE Yeong Ho, JI Gyeong Hwan, SHIN Yong-June - Yonsei University Seoul, Korea, Republic of
JOHRI Pranav, REDDY Chandupatala Chakradhar - Indian Institute of Technology Ropar Ropar, India
GIUSSANI Luca, DI RIENZO Luca - Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria Milan, Italy
BECHIS Massimo - Prysmian spa Milan, Italy
DE FALCO Carlo - Politecnico di Milano, MOX - Modeling and Scientific Computing, Dipartimento di Matematica Milan, Italy
FEM analysis on influence of semiconductors in 3-core submarine power cables regarding cable losses
STURM Sebastian, PAULUS Johannes - University of Applied Sciences Schweinfurt, Germany
BERGER Frank - Ilmenau University of Technology Germany
SCHÜTT Clemens, OTTO Christoph, MENZEL Peter, PASCHEN Mathias - University of Rostock, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology, Chair of Ocean Engineering Germany
ZERBST Stephan, SCHUMANN Kai - TenneT Offshore GmbH Lehrte, Germany
DOEDENS Espen, JARVID Markus - Nexans Halden, Norway
SERDYUK Yuriy - Chalmers Univ. of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden
GUFFOND Raphaël, CHARRIER Dimitri - Nexans Research Centre Lyon, France
MÜLLER Ann-Catrin, BLENK Tobias, WEINDL Christian - Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts Germany
SCHRAMM Judith - Rheinische NETZGesellschaft, (Germany) Germany
Investigation on the tensile strength of silicone layers with different amount of graphite filler
AGANBEGOVIC Mirnes, WERLE Peter - Institute of Electric Power Systems, Division of High Voltage Engineering and Asset Management, Schering-Institute, Leibniz Universität Hannover Germany