WETS'03 Workshop
(World Energy Transmission System)
Which world energy transmission system in 2050?
What role would Power Insulated Cables play?

Thursday 26 June, 2003

TB No 225 JAG 15.02 TC (2002 Session)
Electrical Power Systems 2020

The Electrical Power Industry is now changing very rapidly with very many new challenges to be faced. As a means of stimulating discussion a Panel was held at the 2002 Cigré Session. 4 speakers gave presentations ranging from the very fundamental concepts of electricity supply to the needs of non-industrialised countries, to a review of emerging technologies and finally the immediate Past President of Cigré gave a predictive view of the form of the Industry in 2020. The 4 presentations were followed by an enthusiastic discussion.
The presentations and discussion are detailed in this Brochure.

Modified Last : 12/03/2022