Next Jicable Conference: Jicable'27 - 12th International Conference on Power Insulated Cables

Opening Lectures

Here are the references to the Opening lectures of the Jicable's conference from 1984.


pdf  From impregnated paper to polymeric insulating materials in power cables.

ARRIGHI Robert - Chargé de Mission - EDF-DER - France


"The latest developments in the field of new high critical temperature superconducting materials and to their future prospects"

RAVEAU Bernard - University of Caen - CRISMAT, Laboratory-ISMRa - France.


"Space Tethers" : New cable technology for space applications.

pdf  BEVILACQUA Franco - Advanced Studies - Director Aeritalia - Torino - Italy


The major technological issues concerning the electrical systems for the XXIst century

DAURES M.P. - chief operating officer - EDF - France


Power system development and network use

pdf  MANZONI Giancarlo - Member of the Executive Committee of ClGRE - Deputy Director - R&D ENEL - Italy


pdf  Prospective of the XXIst century - Energy

GAUDIN Thierry - Prospective 21OO - France


pdf  XXIst century: The century of Nanoconvergence - From data storage to power cables.

BOUDENOT J-C. - Thalès Research and Technology - France


pdf  Medium and Long Term Prospect for electric Power Development of China

ZHU Xiao-hui - Tianjin Electric Power Research Institute - China

2015 Welcome Lecture

pdf  Brazil´s situation in terms of energy - Challenges and perspectives

Josias Matos de ARAUJO, President CIGRÉ-Brazil, Director of Regulation, Eletrobras, Brazil

2015 Opening Lecture

pdf  European Electricity Transmission Infrastructure: a key to the Energy transition

Pierre BORNARD, RTE, France

2019 Welcome Lecture

pdf  ITER Project: bringing hydrogen fusion power to reality

Bernard BIGOT; ITER Organization Director-General, France

2019 Opening Lecture

pdf  HVDC Technology key issues for future grids

Marcio Szechtman, Former Director General of CEPEL (Brazilian National Power Research Institute), Brazil

2023 Welcome Lecture

pdf  The Laser revolution in basic science

Serge HAROCHE; Nobel Prize 2012, Collège de France, France

2023 Opening Lecture

pdf  Belgium's Offshore Energy Hub

Valérie Daloze, Elia, Belgium

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