2015-E4 - Modelling
Evaluation of "cross-talk" in power cables by use of 3d finite element computations
HOYER-HANSEN Martin, SOLHEIM Kristian Thinn, LERVIK Jens Kristian - SINTEF Energy Research Trondheim, Norway
Wide-frequency modelling of submarine cables for deep water DC power delivery
CARVALHO Karolina, SOUZA Luiz Felipe, RABELO Balduino, LIMA Luiz André - GE Global Research Center - Brazil Technology Center Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Influence of the screen/armour permeability in magnetic fields generated by HV cables
FARIA DA SILVA Filipe, LETH BAK Claus - Aalborg University Aalborg, Denmark
EBDRUP Thomas - Energinet.dk Fredericia, Denmark
Boutre-Trans project: 225 kV AC underground cable installed in the South-East of France
NAUD Antoine - RTE Réseau de Transport d'Électricité Paris, France
CORREIA DE BARROS Maria Teresa - University of Lisbon Lisbon, Portugal
LAFAIA Isabel, AMETANI Akihiro, MAHSEREDJIAN Jean - Polytechnique Montreal Montréal, Québec, Canada